Charge rates
You can set Global Charge Rates as a default external charge rate for a particular user or for an alternate charge rate on a project when allocating resource. This allows you to enable variable charge rates for any particular resource on a project.
If you require multiple currencies for Charge Rates, read Global settings - Currencies to set up multi-currencies. Note: Multi-currencies is only available on Jet plan and above, click here to learn more about plans.
Click the Charge Rates button under GLOBAL SETTINGS tab to see a list of charge rates. The QUOTE COST means that this cost value is used in the estimation of a quote. Otherwise, the default internal cost rate is used.
Click New Charge Rate to create a new charge rate. Click the edit button to edit the charge rate or click the trash button to delete the charge rate.
Selecting the history icon will display adjustments to the selected Charge Rate that have been made over time: