View, edit and clone a quote
Go to QUOTES > Quotes to view, edit, clone or delete the quote. If you want to see a filtered view, click the Settings icon or ADVANCED icon and customise your filter.
View a quote
Hover your mouse over icon to show quote description.
Click icon to view the quote. Click the More details to view more details of this quote.
Quotes have five possible statues:
Draft - for quotes which are still being created or edited.
Pending - for quotes which have been sent to a client and are awaiting a response.
Rejected - for when a customer has declined a quote.
Expired - this status applies when the expiry date has been reached, and the customer has not responded.
Won - for quotes which have be accepted.
Note: Only quotes with a draft status can edited. (If you want to edit a quote with another status it will first have to be switched to the draft status.)
You can change the status by clicking on the status at the top right. This will allow you to change the status to Draft, Pending or Rejected. A quote can only be changed to Won by accepting the quote.
Click Edit icon to edit this quote.
Click Print icon to print this quote console screen.
Click Generate quote icon to generate the quote, you can either download or email directly to the customer from within Tidy.
Tidy includes three predefined templates. You can also upload custom document templates in GLOBAL SETTINGS > Templates - the type is Project Quote. Documents can be downloaded in PDF or MS Word format. If you download them in Word format you can open them in Word to make changes to the presentation before sending to your customer. Emailed documents are only in PDF format.
Click the EXPAND ALL button to view all the sections in this quote.
Click More details to detailed financial information.
Opportunity - view and edit the likelihood of winning the quote, and the stage the in the sales process the quote is currently in.
Milestones - view the milestones in this quote.
Tasks - view the tasks in this quote.
Documents - if enabled, documents which have been added to the Dropbox folder linked to this Quote will be listed here. Read Integrations - Dropbox - How to connect with Dropbox
Notes - a list of notes for internal use about the Quote. Notes can be filtered using the controls at the top. New notes can be added and existing notes can be edited.
Edit a quote
You can click the edit icon the QUOTES screen or click the edit icon within a quote console screen.
Clone a quote
Click the clone icon and select the items you want to include in the new quote. Click CLONE, it will navigate you to the EDIT QUOTE screen, you can edit this new quote or save.